Vegetable Crops News: Pumpkin Phytophthora Foliar Blight & Fruit Rot. Foliar blight and fruit rot of pumpkins, caused by Phytopthora capsici, has already been detected in many pumpkin fields in central Illinois. This week, fruit rot was widely observed in low areas of the fields. However, application of Acrobat 50WP mixed with a copper compound, either Cuprofix or Champ, contained the disease well in the fileds. It appears that the occurrence of disease will be limited to the spots in the fields, where the infection was originally observed. For information on Phytophthora blight on cucurbits, click here. For information on the Section 18 permission for application of Acrobat, click here. Pumpkin Mosaic. A mosaic disease of pumpkin was observed in one field on July 25 in southern Illinois. More than 50% of the plants were estimated to be infected. Plants were in the flowering stage. Leaves of the infected plants had yellow mosaic, severely malformed, and extremely reduced in size of leaf lamina. Based on the symptoms, it is believed that the disease is caused by zucchini yellow mosaic virus. For information on mosaic diseases of cucurbits, click here.
Fruit Crops News: