April 4th




















New Fungicides for Vegetable and Fruit Crops

1. Procure 50WS. Procure 50 WS is available for control of diseases of vegetable and fruit crops. Procure 50WS (50% triflumizole), manufactured by Uniroyal Chemical Company, is a systemic fungicide, with broad-spectrum activity on foliar diseases. Procure 50WS has protectant and eradicant activity against powdery mildew of cucurbits (cucumbers, Gherkins, gourds, muskmelons, cantaloupes, honeydews, Persian melons, pumpkins, squash, watermelon); powdery mildew, scab, and cedar-apple rust of apples; powdery mildew and scab of pears; powdery mildew of strawberries; and powdery mildew, blossom blight and fruit rot (Monillinia species), and leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapii) of cherries. It has also been registered for control of grape diseases. For label informaiton of Procure 50WS, click here.

2. Cabrio EG. Cabrio EG (pyraclostrobin), manufactured by BASF, is a strobilurin fungicide with broad-spectrum activity. Cabrio has protectant and systemic activity against many diseases of cucurbit vegetables (cantaloupe, cucumber, melon, squash, pumpkin, watermelon), fruiting vegetables (eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, chili pepper), root vegetables (carrot, radish), bulb vegetables (onion, garlic, leek), berries (blueberry, caneberry, raspberry), strawberries, cherries (sweet and tart), and pistachio.For label informaiton of Cabrio EG, click here.

3. Headline. Headline (pyraclostrobin), manufactured by BASF, is a strobilurin fungicide with broad-spectrum activity. Headline has protectant and systemic activity against diseases of dry beans, tuber and corm vegetables, (potato, sweet potato, yams), citrus fruit (grapefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine, tangelo), barley, peanut, sugar beet, wheat, rye, and grass grown for seed. For label informaiton of Headline, click here.

4. Gavel. Gavel (8.3% zaxomide + 66.7% mancozeb), manufactured by Dow AgroSciences, is a protectant compound, effective against foliar diseases of cucurbits (cucumber, melons, summer squash, and watermelon), potatoes, and tomatoes. Gavel can be used to control cucurbit diseases (Alternaria leaf spot, Cercospora leaf spot, downy mildew, and fruit and stem rot), potato diseases (early blight and late blight), and tomato diseases (Buckeye rot, early blight, Gray leaf spot, late blight, Septoria leaf spot, bacterial speck, and bacterial spot). Gavel may be applied by ground or air at a maximum rate of 2.0 pounds product (1.5 lb active ingredient) per acre. Number of applications and preharvest interval vary with crop.For label informaiton of Gavel, click here.

5. Acrobat 50WP. Acrobat 50WP (dimethomorph 50%) has been registered for control of vegetable diseases. Acrobat 50WP, manufactured by Corporation, is a protectant fungicide. This fungicide can be used to control downy mildew of bulb vegetables (garlic, leek, onion, shallot); downy mildew and Phytophthora blight of cucurbits (cucumber, melon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon); downy mildew of hops; downy mildew of lettuce and endive; an late blight of potato and tomato. Acrobat 50WP may be applied by ground or air at a maximum rate of 6.4 ounces pound product (3.2 oz dimethomorph) per acre, a maximum of 5 times per season. For label informaiton of Acrobat 50WP, click here and here.

6. Protégé. Protégé (azoxystrobin), manufactured by Syngenta, is a strobilurin fungicide with broad-spectrum activity. Protégé is a preventive seed treatment fungicide with systemic properties recommended for the control of several important plant diseases. It is registered for use to control seed-borne and soil-borne pathogens that cause seedling damping-off in sweet corn, cucurbits (cucumber), legume vegetables, and several field crops. For label informaiton of Protégé, click here.