I. Tree Fruit Pathology
Fire Blight of Apples. Fire blight was observed in several
apple orchards in central and south of Illinois during the past week.
Because of the favorable environmental conditions in Illinois for development
of fire blight, this disease is expected to be seen in most of apple orchards
in the state this year. The critical time for controlling fire blight
is during bloom, which is already over in this state. After any hail damage,
application of streptomycin will be useful. For more information on management
of fire blight of apples and pears, click here
and here.
II. Graduate Research Assistantship
A Graduate Research Assistantship in Plant Pathology
(Ph.D. or M.S.) is available immediately in the Department of Crop Sciences,
University of Illinois. The research will focus on management of Phytophthora
blight of vegetable, caused by Phytophthora capsici. Students
interested in working with P. capsici should contact Dr.
University of Illinois is located in Urbana-Champaign,
Illinois, approximately two hours from both Chicago and Indianapolis.