December 24, 2004



I. Sooty Blotch/Flyspeck of Apple

Sooty blotch/flyspeck and fruit rots (bitter rot, black rot, white rot) are major summer diseases of apples in the Midwest. Up to 8 fungicide spray-applications are needed to control these diseases in Illinois and other Midwestern states. A wetness-based warnig-system was developed for control of theses diseases, which can reduce number of fungicide applications by 50%. For more information on this IPM of summer diseases of apples, clisk here.


II. Identifying and Manageing Cucurbit Pests

The publication Identifying and Managing Cucurbit Pests; Diseses, Insects, and Weeds in now available. To Place on order call 1-800-345-6087 or visit the website For more information, click here.