March 12, 2004 |
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I. Cucurbit Diseases in
Illinois - Downy Mildew Downy mildew, caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis, affects all cucurbit crops. In Illinois, this disease usually occurs toward the end of the season. For information on downy mildew of cucurbits, click here and here.
II. Farm Direct FARM-DIRECT: Illinois Farmer-to-Consumer Directory of Locally Produced and Locally Sold Foods. A free service. The Farm-Direct Guide, which in its initial year in 2003 listed many growers and processors who sell fruit, vegetables, herbs, meats, poultry, honey, flowers, eggs, cheese, pumpkins, syrup, agri-tourism, and similar products directly to local consumers, is being expanded this year to encompass the whole state of Illinois. Last year we focused only on 25 counties in central Illinois. We would like to list your Illinois operation in the new guide. This is a free service. If you sell your product directly in some manner to Illinois local consumers, send the following information to us via email at, or regular mail at Farm Direct, Dept. of NRES, University of Illinois, 1201 S. Dorner Dr., Urbana IL 61801 For inclusion in the guide, we need your name or company name, address, phone, (email and web url if you have them), hours/days of operation, what products you sell. If you don't want your phone or email listed please let us know. If you wish to include a short statement about the nature of your products or your business, i.e. organically grown, or U-Pick, etc., we will include that also in the listing.
III. Illinois Summer Field
Day Illinois summer field day will be held at Jim Eckert's orchard near Belleville, Illinois, on June 17, 2004. More information on the Field Day will be available soon. Check the following website for information on Eckert's Country Stores and Farms.