November 5, 2004



I. New Labels for Fungicides Cabrio and Endura

Label of the fungicide Cabrio (pyraclostrobin) has been extended. This fungicide can now be used to control purple blotch, rust, and Botrytis leaf blight of bulb vegetables (onion, garlic, leek, and shallot). For for information on new label of Cabrio, click here. The fungicide Endura (boscalid) has been registered for control of diseases of head and stem Brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, brussel srouts, cauliflower) and leafy Brassicas (collards, Chinese cabbages). For for information on the new label of Endura, click here.

II. Cucurbit Publication

If your grow or advise growers of cantaloupe, cucumber, gourd, muskmelon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon, or zucchini, you will find the pumlication of Identifying and Managing Cucurbit Pests very useful. For more information, click here or here.