August 27th, 2004

I. Peach Scab

This year, peach scab was more prevalent than previous years in central and some parts of western Illinois. Although, this disease can be effectively controlled by spray applications of fungicides, fruit infection in some orchards was severe. For more information on biology and control of peach scab, click here. However, Illinois peach crop in 2004 was excellent.

II. Cucurbit Viral Diseases

In the past three weeks, viral diseases have been observed in cucurbits fields throughout Illinois. Most common viral diseases in Illinois, as well as in the Midwest, are caused by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), papaya ringspot virus-type W (PRSV-W), squash mosaic virus (SqMV), watermelon mosaic virus(WMV), and zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV). For more information on cucurbit virus diseases in Illinois and their significance and management, click here. Good news is that there is lew incidence and low severity of viral diseases in Illinois than the past finve year.


III. Illinois 2004 Pumpkin Day

Illinois 2004 Pumpkin Field Day will be held at the Uinversity of Illinois Horticulture Research Station at St. Charles (near Chicago) on September 9, 2004. More information on the Pumpkin Day will be available later. For more information on the 2004 Pumpkin Field Day in Illinois, click here.