January 7, 2005



I. MELCAST Program

MELCAST uses hourly leaf wetness and temperature data to help melon growers schedule fungicide applications for managing Alternaria leaf blight, anthracnose, and gummy stem blight. The system is based on models that were developed through research in controlled environment facilities and were validated with field research. The models trnslate hourly temperature and leaf wetness duration data into environmental favorability index (EFI) values. Fungicide applications are advised at intervals defined by epidemiological time (EFI values) rather than by chronological time. Data may be acquired by custom-built instruments, or estimates may be purchaed form weather data services. For more information on MELCAST program, click here.

II. Identifying and Manageing Cucurbit Pests

The publication Identifying and Managing Cucurbit Pests; Diseses, Insects, and Weeds in now available. To Place on order call 1-800-345-6087 or visit the website www.PublicationsPlus.uiuc.edu. For more information, click here.