June 24, 2005


I. Illinois 2005 Pumpkin Field Day

Illinois 2005 Pumpkin Field Day will be held at Belleville, Illinois, on September 8. Commercial pumpkin growers and others interested people in pumpkin production are encouraged to come to participate in this event. This event provides attendees with an opportunity to listen to researchers and extension specialists discuss issues in pumpkin production as well as to showcase on-going pumpkin field research. Speakers from the University of Illinois, UI Extension and Southern Illinois University will be on hand. For more information on Illinois 2005 Pumpkin Field Day, click here.


II. Identifying and Manageing Cucurbit Pests

The publication Identifying and Managing Cucurbit Pests; Diseses, Insects, and Weeds in now available. To Place on order call 1-800-345-6087 or visit the website www.PublicationsPlus.uiuc.edu. For more information, click here.